kathryne hill - new zealand

Kathryne Hill has been building  windrows on Craigmore Farm in New Zealand; a large mixed farm of dairy, grazing and forestry. The aim is to learn how the process works on a small scale with a view to using it on a large scale on the farm.

The ingredients used were sheep and cow manure, straw, old hay, clay from the farm, and garden cuttings (fennel, cardoons, lilies, roses, peonies) inoculated with biodynamic preparations.

 The windrows did well, successfully coming up to temperature. In the future, they discovered that it would be better to soak the horse poo to form a slurry as it took quite a long time to break down.

 Kathryne went on to make compost teas with the compost.

 The next stage is looking how to scale up the windrow production and apply compost and compost teas on areas of the farm.